Vertical Kids

Promote the Spiritual Growth and Transformation of the children of Vertical Church. Sunday School teachers engage in a teaching ministry with children that emphasizes fun and will understand the Bible is not just a collection of stories, but one unified story. Every Sunday at 11:15 am.
Proverbs 22:6, “Train a child in the way they should go, and when they grow old they will not depart from it.”
UPreach Reno
UPreach Reno is a ministry of Vertical Church, long-known for its work with the inner-city men and women. We strive to provide immediate relief and support to Reno's inner-city people who are facing difficult times.
We help families and communities through our faith-based development programs, and we partner with organizations who provide assistance with employment issues (resumes, interview techniques, skill development), computer skills training, locating and applying for affordable housing, managing financial affairs (budgeting), English language, parenting skills, health and nutrition, and many, many more.

Vertical Youth

In a world where our culture is constantly changing it’s easy to ask ourselves; why am I here? What is the point of life? Who am I? We know and believe that the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus solves all these questions and more. Our goal is to teach and display to the next generation this invaluable truth.
At 11:15 am Sunday's and 6:00 pm Wednesday nights we’ll hang out and talk about these big questions and what the Bible has to say about them. Oh, and there’ll be food too!
Family Night Bible Study
We are committed to helping believers grow in their relationship with God through weekly prayer and study in God’s Word, and to grow in relationships with others through genuine openness and love for each other.
Family Night allows us the opportunity to have open communication and transparency so we will be able to grow deeper in our love for God and love for others. Every Wednesday at 6:00 pm we have a potluck fellowship dinner, a time of worship, and then we study the Bible together. All Ages Welcome! Kids and Youth classes available. ​

Vertical Church Worship

Our Worship team is made up of believers who are committed, kind, and most importantly who love God. We serve to create an atmosphere that allows people to experience God's presence.
We invite you to join us every Sunday at 9 & 11:15 am, Wednesday at 6 pm and, on the third Friday of every month at 6 pm for a special time of Worship & Prayer.
Women's Ministry
Woven (adj) [wo-ven]: Women of all ages coming together through Christ’s love.
You are invited to join the women of Vertical Church on the first Saturday of every month at 10:30 am for a Potluck Brunch & Bible Time Gathering where we will share good food, God's Word, and grow spiritually together.
Have questions? Contact Pastor Trecy!
Trecy Marr

Men's Ministry

Vertical Church Men’s Ministry is a ministry designed to encourage and develop men to obtain their full potential as Godly leaders in their home, the Church, their workplace and their community through prayer, encouragement, and accountability.
Join us for our Potluck Breakfast Fellowship every second Saturday of the month at 9:00 am.
Have questions? Contact Pastor Greg!
Greg Marr